Technology today has made modern life and business incredibly convenient. Thanks to the internet we can do things we never dreamed of 10, 20 or 30 years ago. Unfortunately, technology also comes with a new set of problems. It’s likely you have experienced the frustration of a computer or smartphone freezing up or restarting unexpectedly. Maybe you’ve gotten a virus on your computer or just couldn’t get it to do what you needed it to.
While operating modern technology is something even small children can do, solving it’s problems when something goes wrong is another story. These are the times you could need a professional. Sure you can scour the internet for help, but at what cost? Do you really want to spend several hours of your time guessing who has the right answers? OnePointSync offers a world-class remote support solution so that you don’t have to!
Remote support is when we solve your computer problems over the internet rather than in person. Once you contact us and follow the steps that grant us access, we set up a session where we remotely operate your computer and begin the troubleshooting process for you. When the problem is fixed, we close the session and hand back control to you. This is an incredibly convenient solution for businesses that want to focus their time on earning money.
Benefits of Remote Support
Multi-platform remote control: Our remote support solution allows us to troubleshoot any major platform such as Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS, allowing us to access any remote device in as little as 20 seconds!
Unattended access: We can do all of our work without needing your interaction, freeing you to focus on running your business while we fix your problem!
Screen Sharing: We can see exactly what you are seeing on your computer screen so that we can solve your problems quickly. No screenshots or difficult explanations needed.
Instant Chat: We can chat with you while we troubleshoot your computer problems without requiring you to install any software.
Multi-session handling: Do you have more than one device that needs support? Our remote support allows us to run multiple troubleshooting sessions at once, saving you time!
OnePointSync’s Remote Support solution is the best IT support you’ll ever receive! It is industry leading and a game-changer for your business. The next time you run into technical problems; don’t panic. Call OnePointSync to set up a remote support session and we’ll do the rest from there!