If you run a business, you’ve probably heard about the benefits of something called cloud computing. Basically, cloud computing is the use of both hardware and software delivered exclusively over a network; it’s computing that’s entirely internet-based, rather than relying on physical servers located within your office. These days more and more businesses are switching over to cloud computing, and it might be time for you to do the same. Here are three key areas where cloud computing can improve your business.
Using a cloud-based infrastructure will significantly cut down on the costs of purchasing and maintaining equipment. You won’t be spending money on bulky hardware, storage facilities, or the utilities required to keep your servers running. With cloud computing downtime is extremely rare, so you’ll also be saving money (and time) on troubleshooting and repairs.

Cloud computing can change the way you do business.
Cloud computing also offers greater options for mobile and remote access. Your staff will be able to stay up to date with all of their colleagues and clients from anywhere in the world, 24/7. With just a few clicks you can instantly store, retrieve, or recover your company’s resources on any device – phones, tablets, laptops, you name it. As an added bonus, upgrades to the network are done automatically, so your employees can rest easy knowing that they’ve always got the latest update no matter where they are.
If you’re hoping to expand your business in the future, the scalability of cloud computing will prove to be invaluable. You can quickly and easily increase your cloud capacity without having to make any changes to your company’s physical infrastructure. You’ll have cutting-edge resources at your fingertips with no up-front investment, and the sky is the limit in terms of how quickly and substantially you want to scale-up.
OnePointSync offers a wide range of cloud services to businesses of all sizes in the Colorado area. Contact them today to find out how cloud computing can benefit you.